STEM Discovery Camp

STEM Discovery Camp

Entering Grades 1-3

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

At our STEM Discovery Camp, 21st century learning comes to life in exciting and hands-on ways. Instructors facilitate projects and activities that encourage young campers to create and explore the Sciences. Campers learn how to navigate various devices and software applications and apply what they learn to projects that meet their interests. Our goal is to help campers understand how to appropriately utilize technology as a way to solve problems.

Through hands-on tinkering and immersion, communication, and collaboration, campers discover 21st century skills in a fun camp environment. Our Camp staff provide age-appropriate instruction in a way that makes the concepts readily understandable for young minds. Campers will gain familiarity with maker concepts such as programming, robotics, engineering, multimedia, and design, and gain essential skills that they can carry with them through life.

Features of STEM Discovery Camp

Instruction in cutting-edge technology and craftsmanship by experienced teachers

Use of well-known toys and applications to explore the basics of engineering, design, and modeling

A daily schedule that includes outdoor day camp activities and free swim

Meet Your Instructor

Fessenden Summer Camps Souad Belcaid

Souad Belcaid Silly Science & STEM Discovery Camp Director

Souad Belcaid is the Lower School Science teacher and CCI instructor at Fessenden. In 2007, she received a Teacher of the Year Award after having taught in the Milton Public Schools’ French immersion program for 12 years. In 2015, she was nominated for the Global Teacher Prize, established by the Varkey Foundation. She has a master’s degree in Education and Technology. She also has a Math Specialist in International School Program certificate and a CAGS certificate in Curriculum and Instructional Strategies.

Her approach focuses on problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity, enabling students to understand the world’s challenges, complexity, and interdependence. She firmly believes that STEM-based education teaches kids more than just the basics of science and math. Focusing on hands-on learning with real-world applications helps develop a wide range of skills, such as creativity and skills for the 21st century.

STEM Discovery Camp Program Options

There are currently no scheduled options for this program.

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